Autarcie (….) in Eastern Europe from 23 to 28 Oct 2017


The four dancers of Autarcie (….) flight this week-end for serveral representations in Eastern Europe, with the support of Teatroskop as part of FranceDanse Orient-Express. Teatroskop is a projet initiated by Institut Français, the Ministère de la Culture and the Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères.
From 23 to 28 October 2017 : Novi Sad (Serbia), Zagreb (Croatia) et Budapest (Hungary).

Demo break 2017 Anne Nguyen

Anne Nguyen, par Terre Dance Company choreographer, is first of all known for her talents as a dance breaker, a style of hip hop dance very physical that she fully master. She will honor this discipline in her next creation, Kata, scheduled in October 2017 in Chaillot, Théâtre national de la Danse.