D-10 before Holland Festival

In only 10 days Kata and Dance of the city warriors will be in Stadsschouwburg (Amsterdam) for Holland Festival!
In only 10 days Kata and Dance of the city warriors will be in Stadsschouwburg (Amsterdam) for Holland Festival!
Kata et Dance of the city warriors will perform at prestigious Holland Festival on Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 June in Amsterdam (Stadsschouwburg).
More information about Kata > click here
More information about Dance of the city warriors > click here
A freestyle with the par Terre Dance Company’s dancers at “week-end danse” at Théâtre de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Scène nationale, with Valentine Nagata-Ramos, Fabrice Mahicka et William Delahaye. After this immersive workshop inside the universe of breakdance and hip-hop dance, the public of Théâtre de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Scène nationale (78) will discover Kata tomorrow, Wednesday 16 May.
Tickets over here: ticket office of Théâtre Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Scène nationale
A glimpse behind the scenes of Kata at Opéra de Massy, in May 2018, where VPRO journalists came from the Netherlands to film a TV report about Kata for the Holland Festival.